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This is a Potent enhanced Vitamin A and Glycolic Acid Complex with EGF (Epithelial Growth Factor) Which is an energized and synergized antioxidant combination that is an excellent anti-aging serum and stimulatnt of new tissue growth.


Enhanced C 
This is a Potent L-Ascorbic Vitamin C and Caffeine Therapy. The Haloxyl Peptide is a very potent peptide which combines synergistically with the Vitamin C to boost the potency and ultimately improve the health and wellness of the skin.


The combination of these 3 products, mixed in the hand just prior to application; is applied to the neck, face, and upper chest, and can show a difference in the tissues in as little as 24 hours.

The Bloom Spa Trio  protocol is without a doubt the most powerful, rapid and comprehensive skin care ever developed.

The combination of unique ingredients, and no toxic compounds, supplies the skin with all of the essential nutrients required to maintain an optimum physiological response.

Enhance Trio


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